Monday 27 April 2015

Ensemble Performance

Base Studios Gig Video

The beginning of this video shows me performing as a session player for Becky Hawksford, alongside Carl and James at Base Studios.

I feel that this particular song went well considering we had all only began learning it, along with six other songs performed at the gig, three days earlier.

The main problem with my guitar playing during this performance was the tone. The tone sounds weak and at times the guitar is completely inaudible. I also kept the same tone throughout the song. Some areas, particularly the solo, would have benefited from some boost and perhaps slightly more distortion. In order to prevent this in the future I will need to familiarise myself with different amp settings and possibly research into pedals.

In terms of physical movement in regards to performance I don't think it would've been appropriate for me to jump around the stage in this setting considering I was playing the role of session musician and wasn't the main focus. However if I had moved a bit more during my solo it would've been more entertaining for the crowd.

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