Friday 19 December 2014

The Plagiarists - Band members and song choices

The Plagiarists - Me on guitar, George on bass, Brad on drums.

In our trio our initial idea is to cover famous songs in our own style. As a group we have decided to choose songs with recognisable hooks. We will most likely alter the structure in each song completely but keep the hooks intact.

My song choices:
Gorillaz - "Feel Good Inc." - I have chosen this song because I feel there are many aspects of the song to experiment with. I think this song could be quite easily adapted to fit different styles.

I would say the most notable feature of the song is the bassline that repeats throughout the verses, so as long as this remains audible in our version then the rest of the song could develop into something completely different.

Hopefully this will provide a challenge for all three of us and allow us to create something original that still remains under the title of a "cover." The biggest challenge with this song will be the creative side. The bassline isn't particularly complex or difficult to remember but it could easily become repetitive if it doesn't progress.

The original version of the song includes a singer and rappers so the instrument parts don't necessarily need to advance much structurally. We don't have a vocalist in our group so we will need to introduce new ideas regularly throughout the song.

"Feel Good Inc." - Gorillaz

The Coral - "Dreaming Of You" - The reason I chose this song is mainly because of the hook. Similar to "Feel Good Inc." I would say that the bassline is the most prominent feature of the song. At the moment I intend to play the vocal line on guitar to make it more recognisable for the audience. I might choose to slow it down as well and I will introduce some new ideas to make it differ from the original.

I will probably include a guitar solo as a structural addition to keep the audience listening. The beginning of the solo in the original song follows the vocal line fairly closely. As I will already be playing this melody throughout the song I will need to alter this completely. I may write a basic outline for my own solo and improvise when it comes to performance or I may just write out a whole solo.

I don't think this song will be too difficult for me or either of the other members to play, which will allow us to spend more time thinking creatively rather than learning complicated parts.

"Dreaming Of You" - The Coral

George's song choices:
"Jerk It Out" - The Caesars

"Young Folks" - Peter, Bjorn & John

Brad's song choice:

"Mr Clean" - Marcus Miller

With these choices I think we have the potential to create a well balanced mix of relaxed and upbeat songs. By combining the two, hopefully the audience will stay interested until the end. We will also need to think about which order we perform the songs, possibly leaving the most energetic one until the end.

I think each of us will bring something beneficial to the group and we all have areas where we may need to improve during rehearsals.

George seems willing to try new ideas and is enthusiastic about creating original music. Although he may not have the ability to play more complex basslines, I am sure he will be able to make creative decisions and ensure the maximum amount of effort is put into each song.

Brad seems to be a very capable drummer, able to play various styles, so he will be a good member during rehearsals and performances. On first impressions, the area I think he could improve on is articulating his ideas. This would save time in rehearsals. His choice of song, in my opinion, is a good one. It will add a bit of variety to the set, therefore appealing to a wider audience.

I am enthusiastic about writing this kind of music but if I don't put enough thought into it I may end up repeating guitar licks. I have noticed that in my playing I tend to repeat phrases in one area of the neck as a safe option rather than experimenting across the fretboard. This may become boring for the listener if I let it affect the songs. However, if we all contribute creatively to each song then this shouldn't be a problem.

We are all currently listening to different styles of music and we all prefer certain styles to others. However, we have all discovered similarities between our tastes and we should be able to compromise in order to enjoy everything we play. We will need to communicate effectively during rehearsals in order to make these decisions.

Since the initial choice of songs, I have changed my mind on "Dreaming Of You" by The Coral. I think the song might be too difficult to alter into a completely new style without vocals as they are an important and recognisable part of the original song. After hearing George playing a bassline, I adapted it into a new song and realised that one of the riffs sounded similar to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica. Following the theme of song covers in new styles, I have decided that this should be my second song choice rather than "Dreaming Of You" 

"Enter Sandman" - Metallica

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